
about me

Bonjour , mon nom est Anisa, le propriétaire de ce blog. avoir du plaisir sur mon blog, mais n'oubliez pas de laisser un commentaire. J'étais maintenant 14 ans. en JHS Muhammadiyah 12 GKB. voulez en savoir plus? me suivre sur twitter @aanniissaa27


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my account twitter
This morning after eat sahur I can not sleep.SO i do :
open PC -> connect modem -> open GoogleChrome mozilla -> m.twitter.com

There a lot of good statement like below :

very touching, very nice and very very

don't forget to follow my twitter @aanniissaa27

use social networks like twitter properly, it will be useful :D
"my account twitter" was Posted On: Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011 @23.03 | 0 roses
PASTA (corean drama)
Hallo Blogik , long time no post . i have final exam so i go home so fast . i can see my favorite corean drama "PASTA". the story very good and romantic . I LIKE IT

This is the sinopsis :
"Pasta" covers the dreams and success of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sfera restaurant. Seo Yoo Kyung started her career as a kitchen assistant at La Sfera restaurant. She eventually works her way up to become a chef. Choi Hyun Wook is the top chef at La Sfera restaurant. He studied the culinary arts in Italy and started out as a chef assistant at a hotel in Sicily. Hyun Wook eventually worked his way up to become the most widely recognized Italian chef in Korea.

So Sweeeeeett

Gong Hyo Jin - beautiful :D

Lee Sun Gyun - cool

Sapa aja yang punya kasetnya pinjemin dong , hihi

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"PASTA (corean drama)" was Posted On: Kamis, 23 Juni 2011 @07.22 | 0 roses
our project
hey bloggie, long time no post . this time i want tell about school and my friends.
i , auraa and gitaak must finished an experiment . this is our project :

although we must seriously , but don't forget to take picture .

gitaaakk serius banget ,gak sadar kameraa .
tapi tetep imuuutt .
unyuuu :p

kaloo ini akuu , sadar kamera :D

ini si auraa , sadar kamera jugak . bareng alat-alat buat experiment :DD

semoga tepat waktu dan dapat yang terbaik . AMIIIIINN :)

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"our project" was Posted On: Sabtu, 16 April 2011 @02.41 | 0 roses
kata mutiara :)

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"kata mutiara :)" was Posted On: Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011 @03.56 | 0 roses
when i know you have a new account i feel hurt .
in that moment, i got with you . i feel very happy
but I have reason to believe,

But i will stay

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"jealousy" was Posted On: Kamis, 10 Februari 2011 @07.01 | 0 roses
amazing site :)
Last holiday i just at home and nothing to do . so i open my FB @ 'Anisa' Wahyu and i found the site from @savira roselina, namely makemebabies.com . i try to open this site, this is make babies site . of course i try this with my lovely guy , his name is ******* . 'Oooppss .. something wrong when i write his name and i get 2 child, they are one son and one daughter ..

that is my son ...

and this one is my daughter

that's just a game and joke . not my wish , wokoko

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"amazing site :)" was Posted On: Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011 @17.25 | 0 roses
BM in the hoy :)
Bintang Meteor adalah tempat ku les bareng temen-temen . Masuk jam 18.15, dateng jam 18.3o. pulangnya jam 19.45, kita pulang jam 19.3o Hoho enak toh. dateng terlambat, pulang duluan. kelompok lesku ini cewe semua . gak ada cowonya, cuman gurunya yg cowo, kecuali pljaran BIG ..

itu guru biologi, guru sing paling seneng ngejak ngguyu .
tapi, kadung serius yo serius seru ciak

kalo itu, guru matematika ..
bagiku, guru paling enak selama SMP peringkat ke-2 *wekekeke ..

di BM, kita gak cuman les, tapi bisa :

1. take lot of picture :D

2. nggosiiipp :)

3. curhaaatt :))

pokok.e, pulang dari les . otak penuh, hati penuh, dosa-pun penuh gara" gosip *naudzubillah

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"BM in the hoy :)" was Posted @04.35 | 0 roses
webCam at SchooL
Setiap bawa laptop ke sekolah jangan lupa, gunain fasilitas sekolah. Yoiku Wi-Fi . Gratis ga atek bayar, huenak .. Bersama teman-teman, seperti biasa TAKE A PICTURE or TAKE A LOT OF PICTURE . soale ga mesti satu tok foto.e, pastine nanggung .

Meskipun WEBCAM.e elek , tapi model.e gak kalah apik teko model majalah BOBO. *gak mngkin-lah, pstine majalah GADIS dkk ..

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"webCam at SchooL" was Posted On: Jumat, 04 Februari 2011 @19.14 | 0 roses
idul adha
Holla blogik . see my posting kay !!! Kali ini aku mau cerita tentang idul adha 17 November 2k10 . Seperti taun kemarin , aku ikut bantu jadi panitia Qurban di masjid At-Taqwa di JL. Jawa no. 60 . Seinget aku, jumlah sapi ada 6. Tetapi, buat kambing aku gatau. Hehe :D

Di bawah ini, adalah bukti kebersamaan para pengurus PC IPM GKB (Pimpinan Cabang Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah Gresik Kota Baru) *haha bahasaku lebay banget :DD

Dari Pkl. 7.3o, aku dan semua pengurus PC IPM GKB dan bapak-bapak PC GKB berada di halaman belakang SMPM 12 GKB bersama kumpulan hewan-hewan tak bernyawa, alias sapi ‘n kambing yg udah disembelih .

Sekitar jam 12.oo ato 12.3o atau 1.oo siang, gatau-lah udah lupa. Nyampek rumah, dilanjutin bakar sate bareng keluarga.

Pokoke, IDUL ADHA in this year is the best than tahun sebelume ..

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"idul adha" was Posted @05.04 | 0 roses